Lifetrenz Hospital - Check out Process

Hospital Check-out / IP Admit

Lifetrenz Hospital Management Out-Patient Process culminates in Patient Check-out at the end of Physician Consultation. At the end of an Out-Patient visit, if the patient is advised a follow up at a later date, an appointment can be created for the next visit, either directly by the physician or the appointment desk. The completion of the Out-Patient visit also creates an Electronic Health Record for the Patient compliant to EHR standards.

The after visit summary if required can be printed and handed over to the patient. Based on the outcome of the Out-Patient consultation, if the patient is advised admission either as an In-Patient to the Hospital or to the Daycare facility, Lifetrenz Hospital Management Check-out function can seamlessly handle this process efficiently. The complete Electronic Health Record of the Patient, along with admission orders & instructions is made available in the In-Patient or Daycare facility, thus ensuring continuity of care.

3 Key Features Hospital Management System - Check-out Process

Admit patients on-line from OP, ER, Day care to IP

Patients can be seamlessly admitted to IP or Daycare facility from OP or ER in the system. Such e-admit orders issued are received online in the appropriate modules and acted upon.

Carry forward Admit orders from OP, ER, Daycare to IP

If an e-admit is made from OP, ER or Daycare to IP, all the admit orders, instructions or reconciled treatment plans can be carried forward to IP seamlessly.

Follow-up appointments for Check-out Patients

In case at the end of an OP visit, if the patient requires to come for a Follow Up visit, then the physician himself/ herself can fix up the follow up visit from the OP Consult module or can request the appointment scheduler to do so. The date and time of the follow up visit also forms part of the after visit summary given to the patient and all actions in the Appointment management system happens seamlessly.

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