Lifetrenz Hospital – ER / Daycare Clinical Admission & Follow-up

Hospital management system clinical admission and follow up process

Lifetrenz Hospital Emergency Department Clinical Admission and Follow-Up Process is designed for delivering quality care quickly and without errors. The system is designed on International EHR Standards and follows Lifetrenz Hospital's EHR Framework to provide reliable and high quality Patient Care. The processes are Patient-Centric in design and intuitively follow a Physician's workflows, making it easy to learn and adapt by the users. Lifetrenz ER & Daycare module focuses on ensuring fewer medical errors, faster patient throughput with higher patient satisfaction and better patient outcomes.

The clinical evaluation and follow up process in the ER & Daycare module of Lifetrenz Hospital has been designed to capture all relevant clinical data, make orders and record corresponding actions very quickly and directly from a patient track board. This enables a busy ER department to deliver quality and safe care to patients reporting to the ER.

3 Key Features of Hospital Emergency Department - Clinical Admission & Follow-Up Process

Track Board for Patient Complaints, Vitals and Diagnosis

Lifetrenz Hospital Emergency Department Management System has a full featured ER / Daycare Patient Track board to capture patient details, complaints, blood group, allergies etc. The system can also record vitals, add diagnosis and make orders directly from the track board. The track board also alerts the care givers on the status of each order.

Capture and action MLC cases

Lifetrenz Hospital Emergency Department Management System can handle all kinds of Medico-Legal Cases as mandated by Law. Incase of a MLC case, all mandatory data is collected and recorded. The system can also handle cases such as Brought in Dead as well as Death in Emergency Room.

Designed for Quick actions and functionalities

Lifetrenz Hospital Emergency Department Management System is designed to render quick and efficient clinical care to patients. The design of the module enables a busy ER department to deliver quality and safe care to patients reporting to the Emergency Room.

Few Other Features

  • Execute order directly from patient track board;
  • Alerts based on patient condition;
  • Record physician progess notes and nursing notes

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