Lifetrenz Hospital - Lab Management System

Lab Management

Lifetrenz Hospital Lab Management system is fully integrated to provide easy-to-use, end-to-end Laboratory order processing from the time the orders are received at the accession point until the results are delivered. Hospitals can configure capabilities for in-house labs and External labs. The LIS provides order communication, specimen collection, receipt and log in of a sample and its associated customer data, assignment, scheduling, and tracking of the sample, processing and quality control associated with the sample, interfacing with equipment and results reporting, release of results and storage of data associated with the sample analysis, The results are electronically sent to the ordering physician. Thus the Lifetrenz LIS fully automates the process from receipt of an e-lab order to sending results online to the ordering physician.

3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital Lab Management System

Compliant to LOINC Standards

The Lab tests and resulting are fully compliant to LOINC standards, thereby meeting International EHR standards requirement. In Lifetrenz LIS, each LOINC test is mapped to multiple common names as used by physicians to enable them to work easily with LOINC structure. This helps physicians to continue to work with commonly referred names such as "FBS or RBS" while Lifetrenz takes care of linking such orders to the correct LOINC data structure at the back end. This allows not only for standards compliance but also makes it easy to analyse data, as per the requirements of the Hospital.

View Lab results from OP, IP, ER and Daycare Modules

Lifetrenz Hospital Lab Management Process can deliver the reports on-line as soon as the results are available, saving precious time in creating and dispatching physical copies of the reports. The ordering Physicians can view results of Lab tests ordered by them from any of the clinical modules in the system, thereby improving availability of data to take appropriate clinical decisions and improve patient care.

Flexible reporting templates

Lifetrenz Hospital Lab Management System fully understand the need for the Hospital Lab users to have flexibility to format the reports based on the type of tests being performed. Lifetrenz Lab Management module provides this flexibility to the users without any restrictions. Lifetrenz Lab Module has a flexible report builder that allows Hospitals to configure any type of Lab report such as Quantitative or Narrative reports, based on the requirements of each department of the lab.

Few Other Features

  • Fully integrated with HIS Modules
  • Receives e-Orders from OP, IP, ER, Daycare
  • Unidirectional and bidirectional interfacing with lab equipment
  • Multi-level authentication for results
  • Maintains complete audit of each test
  • Handles outsourcing of lab tests

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