Lifetrenz Hospital - Other Medical Services

OP Other Services

Lifetrenz Hospital System’s Physician consulting module allows physicians to make many other services orders beyond Laboratory & Radiology orders such as Diet orders, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy orders, Minor Procedures, Referral orders, OP to IP / Daycare e-Admit orders etc. These medical services can be configured and orders generated from the Out-Patient, In-Patient, Emergency Room or Day Care modules and can be electronically transmitted to respective departments. Actions taken against these orders can be recorded in the system for result review by the ordering physician and auto-generation of bills from the Charge Masters Module.

3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital - Other Medical Services Management

Covers wide range of services

Lifetrenz Hospital Management System recognizes that Diet orders, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy orders, Minor Procedures, Referral orders, OP to IP/ Daycare e-Admit orders etc., form an integral part of the Hospital Services Offerings and comprehensively covers all such services in the Other Services Module.

Give standing Admit instructions & orders from OP/ ER module

During an e-Admit from OP or ER to IP/ Daycare, the Lifetrenz Hospital Management System allows a physician to reconcile outstanding Med and other orders and make admit orders and standing instructions. These orders & instructions are carried seamlessly to IP/ Daycare, which ensures not only continuity of care but also that no time is wasted in starting care in the Inpatient settings.

Professional fee can be configured

Lifetrenz Hospital Management System's Other Services Module has the provision for configuring and generating the Professional Fees payable to different roles, wherever applicable, against the various services provided in this module.

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ROI of HIS with EHR