Lifetrenz Hospital - Stores / Inventory Management System

Hospital Stores - Inventory Management Tablet App

Lifetrenz Hospital Inventory Management System handles all the functions of materials management in a Hospital. Supply chain is the lifeblood of a Hospital. With patient care on the line, no hospital can afford to make a mistake. As most departments in your Hospital depend heavily on supplies, materials management can ease or cramp your operations. Quality care cannot be provided on time unless required materials are available in the right quantity, at right place, at the right time.

At the same time, cutting costs in inventory, is always a point of emphasis for decision-makers at Hospitals. Therefore, every Hospital has to do the tight rope walking act between maintaining appropriate supply levels of important inventory items and avoiding excess inventory carrying cost. This, in a hospital is critical to achieve high levels of operational and financial efficiency. Keeping these in mind, the Lifetrenz inventory management module has been designed to eliminate waste, reduce inventory levels, and optimize purchases.

3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital Stores /Inventory System

Multi-Level hierarchical inventory management system

Lifetrenz Hospital Inventory Management System provides a feature to have inventory Management of items at multiple levels, in a hierarchical manner in which main stores and sub-stores can be created. This ensures an easy-to-use solution with an efficient Materials management process.

Vendor linked consignment store management

Lifetrenz Hospital Inventory Management System has provision to have Vendor Linked Consignment Store management, by which high cost items can be ordered, stored and used for patient care without the Hospital in reality having to pay and hold stock. Such items continues to be in the charge of the vendor, and accounting and vendor payment action is initiated only after the item is physically consumed. This reduces the inventory carrying cost for Hospitals.

Handles different types of indents

Lifetrenz Hospital Inventory Management System can handle indents at different levels. Indents can be raised at the Patient level or at the ward/ authorised consumption area level. All patient indents are charged directly to the patient. There is provision to capture and monitor consumption of items issued against wards or other consumption areas.

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