Who We Are
We are an organization of Healthcare Domain Experts with a collective experience of more than 100 Man years in the areas of Healthcare IT Software Development with expertise in Cloud Engineering, Big Data & Analytics and Mobility solutions. We operate with dedicated focus on EHR Technology Framework and have experience in developing and deploying Healthcare IT products in highly competitive International Markets. We developed a Cloud based Ambulatory EHR Solution for Primary Care and a complete Inpatient EHR solution for Hospitals, for the US Healthcare industry, which received “Meaningful Use (MU)” Stages 1 & 2 Certification. We also developed other Cloud based products for the US Healthcare market such as a Financial Management Solution, a Physician Credentialing Platform and a Geriatric Care Management product. Our products are built on modern technology, comply with International and standards and are fun to use. We are an innovative company finding success and satisfaction in being able to work closely with our clients in areas that are critical to their success. We strive to support our customers with best practices in Healthcare Management through our domain & technology expertise and mature Healthcare IT Software Solutions. Our solutions focus on customer delight. We are very nimble footed when it comes to speed of implementation and we take great pride in being a thinking organization. We see each engagement as an opportunity to collaborate with our clients and ensure maximum return on their investment.
What We Do
We build IT solutions that enable healthcare providers deliver safer healthcare, economically, so as to make quality healthcare more affordable for people across all socio-economic strata. The service, delivered as pay-per-use service, from our public cloud platform enables healthcare providers of all sizes and segments to consume these services as they need. Our service sits on top of an extensive and evolving knowledge base of information and tools that enable the users of the service to improve the safety, quality and speed of their work. Any professional person or organization in Healthcare wishing to streamline their practice and align their work to International standards and best practices will find that Lifetrenz makes this journey painless. Though there are many local and regional players in this segment, it is largely fragmented and looked at more from an operations perspective and not so much from the clinical delivery of care perspective. Lifetrenz turns the table around to look at the whole solution from a patient centric perspective and makes it possible to capture, store and retrieve patient clinical data using EHR standards.
The EHR Technology Framework of Lifetrenz is built on Open Source Technologies incorporating features like Scalability, Exceptional all round security and minimal set-up and go-live requirements, blending best of functionality with User-friendliness.