Lifetrenz Hospital - OP Appointment
Lifetrenz Hospital Appointment Management System is designed and developed with the busy Front Desk executives in mind. The Hospital Appointment Booking System is designed to be user-friendly and very flexible in nature. The Appointment Management Process ensures that workload can be distributed evenly across all physicians and other care givers in a Hospital. The advantage of this method is to reduce unnecessary wait times, encourage continuity of care through timely follow up of patients, and also help improve the patient's relationship with the Hospital. The system allows for multiple types of Appointment creation such as telephonic or through a call center, online through patient portal and walk-ins. The Lifetrenz Hospital Management's Appointment Scheduler can be interfaced with a SMS gateway to send appointment related notifications to patients and help seamless communication between the patients and their Physicians which helps in building the reputation of the Hospital.
3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital Appointment Management System
Physician level appointment
Hospitals can configure different type of appointments such as token based, fixed time slot based or variable time based, at individual Physician level. This means based on individual physician's preference and patient load, the Hospital can choose a flexible type of Appointment Type that best meets the business objectives.
Physicians' Appointment across the same chain
For Physicians practicing across different Hospitals & Clinics in the same chain, our application allows appointments to be created at any of the Hospital or Clinic within the group, where the physician has practicing rights. This combined with seamless access to patient EHR from any of the location, brings in a different paradigm in patient convenience and care delivery.
En masse Re-scheduling of Physicians appointments
Lifetrenz Hospital Appointment Management System has the provision for bulk re-scheduling of any Physicians' appointments. For example, In case of non-availability of a physician for a specific time period, all the appointments scheduled for that period of practice by the Physician can be rescheduled en masse to another date or a different physician.
Few Other Features
- Substitute your No Show patients with Waitlisted Patients
- Reserve/ Pre-book Appointment Slots based on patient visit types
- Notify patients of Appointment confirmation or Changes through SMS