Lifetrenz Hospital - OP Billing


Lifetrenz Out-Patient Billing process captures all the charges for the services delivered during the Out-Patient Consultation and Post-Consultation Services such as Lab and Radiology Services, minor procedures, physiotherapy etc. The OP Billing system is designed to accurately bill for all the services, taking inputs from the Charge Masters created in the Lifetrenz Hospital Management Solution. It has a very flexible and configurable billing workflow that will adapt to the Business rules of each Hospital. The application auto generates bills based on business rules, thus reducing discretion at the billing desk.

3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital Management OP Billing System

Business Rule driven auto billing

Lifetrenz Hospital Management System incorporates Configurable workflows that will accommodate individual business rules of each organisation. OP Bills are auto generated based on these pre-set business rules, such as pre-paid or post- paid for each service or auto billing for registration charges at the time of initial registration. This eliminates discretionary billing at the billing desk.

One-Click billing from e-prescriptions

All the orders for various OP services such as Lab or Radiology tests are electronically transmitted and are available at the billing desk. Billing can be automatically generated from these electronic orders with just one click. This saves time and reduces queues at the billing counters and also ensures that all services rendered are completely and accurately billed.

Patient-level ledger Management

Lifetrenz Hospital Management System’s OP Billing process features Ledger Maintenance at each patient level which provides details of all the advances paid and billing done and shows credit (or) debit details. This ledger is readily available at the billing point and can be exported to excel or pdf file formats.

Few Other Features

  • Authorization based discount management
  • Integration with Credit/ Debit Card processing Machines
  • Multiple Payment Modes
  • Exhaustive Billing Reports

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